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  • AL JAZIRAH HERBAL, mengutamakan kepuasan konsumen, dapat dipercaya. terbukti: waktu Saya memesan obat lewat TIKI. Barang cepat diantar dan sampai ke tujuan. Padahal Saya belum transfer uang sama sekali-Bpk. Hendy, Bandung
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Senyum Jenazah Para Mujahidin

Mekah sebagai Garis Waktu (seperti GMT)

Posted by Admin | 10/06/2008 04:47:00 pm


Berikut ini adalah beberapa artikel ttg Mekkah sebagai Pusat Bumi yang
dibahas di berbagai media internet dan di milis tetangga.
Kami postingkan juga berbagai tanggapan positif maupun negatif tentangnya.
Serta kajian di aljihad-dalnet mengenai MMT itu sendiri berdasarkan tafsir
al qurthubi.
(dalam bahasa: Inggris dan Indonesia)

Muslim call to adopt Mecca time
By Magdi Abdelhadi
BBC Arab affairs analyst

[image: File photo of Muslim pilgrims attending prayers at the Grand
Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.] One cleric said science had proved Mecca to
be the centre of the Earth

*Muslim scientists and clerics have called for the adoption of Mecca time to
replace GMT, arguing that the Saudi city is the true centre of the Earth.*

Mecca is the direction all Muslims face when they perform their daily

The call was issued at a conference held in the Gulf state of Qatar under
the title: Mecca, the Centre of the Earth, Theory and Practice.

One geologist argued that unlike other longitudes, Mecca's was in perfect
alignment to magnetic north.

He said the English had imposed GMT on the rest of the world by force when
Britain was a big colonial power, and it was about time that changed.

*Mecca watch*

A prominent cleric, Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawy, said modern science had at
last provided evidence that Mecca was the true centre of the Earth; proof,
he said, of the greatness of the Muslim "qibla" - the Arabic word for the
direction Muslims turn to when they pray.

The meeting also reviewed what has been described as a Mecca watch, the
brainchild of a French Muslim.

The watch is said to rotate anti-clockwise and is supposed to help Muslims
determine the direction of Mecca from any point on Earth.

The meeting in Qatar is part of a popular trend in some Muslim societies of
seeking to find Koranic precedents for modern science.

It is called "Ijaz al-Koran", which roughly translates as the "miraculous
nature of the holy text".

The underlying belief is that scientific truths were also revealed in the
Muslim holy book, and it is the work of scholars to unearth and publicise
the textual evidence.

But the movement is not without its critics, who say that the notion that
modern science was revealed in the Koran confuses spiritual truth, which is
constant, and empirical truth, which depends on the state of science at any
given point in time.



Garis Batas HARI Internasional & Validitas
26th, 2008

Beberapa hari ini milis ** sedang asyik
membahas MMT (Mekkah Mean Time), perlukah mengganti sistem GMT menjadi MMT?
Pembahasan masalah ini & solusi (ala Genghis Khun [image: :P] ) sudah pernah
ditulis di blog yang lama
Artikelnya sebagai berikut dengan beberapa perbaikan, silahkan direnungkan:

*Bagian 1: Garis Batas HARI Internasional & Validitas GMT*

Batas Hari Internasional tidak bisa dipisahkan dg GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
GMT disepakati sebagai pusat rujukan semua waktu di dunia. Intinya saat
tengah hari di Greenwich (12.00) SEMUA daerah di dunia HARI-nya sama, itu
saja. Knp harus di Greenwich? Semua tempat juga bisa, tetapi ini adalah
kesepakatan, berhubungan dg sejarah pelaut-pelaut Eropa jaman dahulu (baca:
para pelaku penjajahan dan perbudakan [image: :(] ). Sistem GMT tidak
berhubungan dengan sistem kalender (Masehi).

Perbedaan waktu masing2 tempat akan merujuk ke Greenwich, konsekuensinya di
GMT +/- 12 jam (suatu daerah di Pasifik) akan menjadi Garis Internasional
perubahan HARI. Selanjutnya SEMUA sistem kalender tinggal memasukkan
angkanya saja.

Seandainya Mean Timenya berada di argentina, batas hari kira2 ada di
Jika anda merasa kurang khusyuk saat shalat jum'at di Pekalongan, segera
pergi saja ke Solo yg masih hr kamis utk mengikuti shalat jum'at
besoknya [image:
:D] asyik khan?

Kembali ke pokok masalah, perlukah dibuat Mean Time khusus muslim, misalnya
MMT (Mekkah Mean Time)?
Boleh saja, penulis sangat setuju (anti kemapanan gitu loch..!) Apalagi bila
MMT nantinya diintegrasikan dg GMT mjd sbb;
- Posisi 0 tetap di GMT tetapi Garis perubahan Hari di Kanada Barat-Alaska.
- Rentang GMT (+/- 12) berubah menjadi -9 s/d GMT +15! (tepatnya -9:20 s/d
14:40) It's No Problem!

Tetapi ingat, ini TIDAK mempengaruhi sistem kalender misalnya penentuan awal
bulan Hijriah. Sistem Mean Time hanya untuk penentuan pergantian hari.
Permasalahan yang mungkin timbul adalah PENGARUHnya dalam hal IBADAH,
*Muslim senantiasa shalat jum'at, tetapi benarkah hari itu hari jum'at?*

Contoh kasus ada muslim tinggal di Hawaii/ Pearl Harbour:
- Berdasarkan GMT hari itu adalah benar Kamis.
- Tetapi seandainya selama ini kita memakai sistem MMT (Mekkah Mean Time),
maka saat itu sudah JUM'AT!

Mohon ada yang bisa menjelaskan hal ini…

*Bagian 2: Tentang Hari Jum'at*
Bila masalah tata nama dan urutan hari dihubungkan dg Tuhan, maka
berhubungan pula dengan nabi-nabi. Sejak jaman nabi Musa a.s sampai dengan
Isa a.s HARI2 sdh eksis dan menyatakan bahwa ibadah mereka adalah hari
sabtu. Sedangkan hari istimewa bagi muslim adalah Jum'at. Mereka semua
berada di daerah Timur Tengah, maka sampai sekarang hari2 didaerah BUJUR
TERSEBUT bisa dikatakan tetap valid.

Permasalahannya adalah validkah sistem GMT bagi hari2 untuk BUJUR LAIN?
dalam konteks hubungannya dengan agama: ibadah hari jum'at (Muslim), sabtu
(yahudi) dan minggu (kristen). Bagi muslim, Waktu shalat 5 waktu sudah
jelas, Al Israa' 78:
*"Dirikanlah shalat dari sesudah matahari tergelincir sampai gelap malam dan
(dirikanlah pula shalat) subuh. Sesungguhnya shalat subuh itu disaksikan
(oleh malaikat)."*

Bagaimana dg hari Jum'at ABSOLUT? Hari yang seharusnya dikehendaki sang
Pencipta [image: :)] Kapan semua hari di dunia adalah Jum'at? Penulis belum
menemukan petunjuk hal ini (walaupun yakin pasti ada).

Bila hari jum'at ABSOLUT di asumsikan sebagai;
ketika posisi matahari tegak lurus di Mekkah (siang hari) semua hari didunia
adalah Jum'at, maka di perbatasan Alaska persis tengah malam dan akan
beranjak ke hari sabtu. GMT menjadi tidak VALID, karena selama ini Alaska
besoknya malah Jum'at!

Maka untuk sementara biar aman penulis sarankan memakai Ka'bah Mean Time
(KMT) atau Mekkah Mean Time (MMT) yang bila diintegrasikan dengan GMT
rentangnya menjadi GMT -9 s/d +15 (tepatnya -9:20 s/d 14:40), bukan +/-12
seperti selama ini. Batas hari ada di perbatasan Kanada-Alaska.

Jadi mohon beritahu saudara2 muslim yg di Alaska agar menunaikan shalat
Jum'at pada hari Kamis GMT. Ini lebih realistis daripada "taqlid" buta dg

Genghis Khun

Fakta menarik bahwa perbatasan Alaska-Kanada adalah garis lurus.
Bila Bumi di belah 2 sama besar melalui bujur mekkah, irisan akan melaui
garis ini.
Garis Batas HARI Internasional (IDL) & Validitas GMT (Bag
17th, 2008

Konferensi para ilmuwan muslim di Doha, Qatar, 19 April 2008, yang berjudul
"Makkah Pusat Dunia, Teori dan Praktik", membahas perlunya mengganti sistem
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) menjadi MMT (Mekkah Mean Time).
(baca di:

Penggantian sistem tentu saja tidak semudah membalik telapak tangan. Bahkan
apabila dilakukan dengan tergesa-gesa hanya akan memperoleh cemooh pihak
lain. Oleh karena itu penulis mencoba mengupas konsekuensi yang timbul
dengan adanya perubahan sistem ini. Judul tulisan ini –bagian ke dua– karena
berhubungan dengan tulisan sebelumnya yang sebenarnya hanya mengungkapkan
kegundahan hati saja [image: :)]


Mecca should become core to measure time zones: scholars by Gulf Times Thanks
to *drcancerman* for the link.

*Mecca should become core to measure time zones: scholars*

*By Nour Abuzant*
SPEAKERS at a Doha conference on Mecca's importance said that the holy city,
not Greenwich, should become the reference point for world time, reigniting
an old controversy that started some four decades ago.

A group of Islamic scholars presented on Saturday "scientific evidence" to
prove that Mecca was the core of that the zero longitude passes through the
holy city and not through Greenwich in the UK.

Greenwich in England has been the home of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) since
1884. GMT is sometimes called Greenwich Meridian Time because it is measured
from the Greenwich Meridian Line at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich.
Greenwich is the place from where all time zones are measured.

In a clear support for the call, Islamic scholar Yousuf al-Qaradawi said
Islam, "unlike other religions, never contradicted science".
The participants recommended the unification of the time in the Arab world
to the time in Mecca instead of Greenwich. They also called the Arab
governments to abandon the new world maps "because they are forged to serve
Western interests."

They also demanded that buildings in the Arab world be directed towards

The gathering also urged to organise conferences to promote the idea of
"Mecca as the centre of the world's land" and distribution of CDs to support

The conference was organised to introduce Saat Makkah (the watch of Mecca).
The inventor of the clock, Yasin a-Shouk, said it runs anti-clockwise in the
direction of Tawaf, the rotation around Kaaba.
The Switzerland-based award-winning inventor of Palestinian origin said that
his invention met a lot of opposition and it took him four years to win the

The moderator of the event, Rabaa Hamo, who is also the wife of the watch's
inventor, said "the West imposed on us the invisible Greenwich line" as the
world's reference time.

She hoped that an Islamic country would adopt the project to strengthen the
belief that Mecca was the core of the world, not theoretically but

Islamic scholar, Zaghloul al-Najjar, said that the West did not like the
scientific proofs that "Mecca was located in the centre of our planet, but
nevertheless we will go on our research to establish it as a truth".

Other speakers talked about the privileges of Mecca quoting verses from the
Holy Qur'an and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad.



Monday, April 21, 2008 Muslim call to adopt Mecca
<>Interesting article -
anyone have any thoughts on it?

**Edited to include my thoughts **

When I first glanced at the title I was intrigued by it....thinking hmm
maybe this is about achieving some unity in the Muslim community
( trying to unify Eid's so that we all start them at the same time,
or at least not have such heated debates about
but as I opened the article and started to read it, I found sadly that
that was not what it was about. Nope, it is about GMT or should it be MMT
(Mecca Mean Time - sorry couldn't help it)

I mean really, is this the only 'problem' of the Muslim Ummah (community),
gee is there not poverty, injustice running rampant in many of the 'Muslim
countries'?? (Ok, I realize that it is not only a problem with Muslims, but
for the sake of argument, lets focus on Muslim communities)

Alhamduillah, (all praise is due to Allah) Mecca is the spiritual center for
all Muslims, and as such we are told to turn towards there when praying. We
are mandated to make a pilgrimage there when we are able to financially, so
yes we can say as Muslims we consider Mecca the center of our spirituality.
Why do we need to concern ourselves with how and where the world time is
centered? I feel that this will only incite a bit more discord between
Muslims and Non-muslims (as if there is not enough already). I think
non-muslims will see this as yet another way muslims are looking to
'distance' themselves from the rest of the world. I certainly feel that way,
I mean I have not looked into the history of where GMT came from, nor do I
really wish to do so. I am basically happy to know what time it is where I
live. Do I care where the center of 'time' should be or where it is right
now? No, not really.


[syiar-islam] Fwd: Jika GMT ke MMT ? haruskah kita mengganti sistem
penanggalan juga?*

Tue, 13 May 2008 22:50:23 -0700

Assalaamu alaikum,

Sebuah pemaparan menarik seputar implikasi pergantian penggunaan sistem
kalender gregorian/masehi/solar ke sistem kalender lunar/hijriyah, atau
tepatnya dari Greenwich Meat Time ke Makkah Mean Time. Semoga bermanfaat,
terutama untuk diolah kembali menjadi masukan dalam 'menyatukan' Ummat dalam
penanggalan yang saat ini hemat saya masih jadi pe-er ummat.

Mungkin sudah saatnya pelajaran geografi dan astronomi di bangku sekolah
(umum, pesantren) juga mengarah ke hal ini agar makin awal generasi penerus
kita aware akan hal ini dan lebih peduli ...



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